Monday, 18 July 2011


Don't get me twisted, Life is a beautiful thing...

Life is indeed beautiful. Believe it or not it is. It is for the living so live it, live it well..

Life is good and even fair! I mean imagine how many times one have made mistakes in life? How many wrong turns has one taken in life? But life has always given you a chance to pick up the pieces and move on. Am I lying? I don't think so! Say it if I'm wrong.

Problems will always be there. Obstacle will block your view more often. But its up to you whether you go around that obstacle, you dig under the obstacle, whether you pick through that obstacle, you climb over that obstacle to make it. But one thing I am sure of is you can do it!  You can do it!

You can pick up the pieces and build that puzzle again. A friend of mine taught me that if you can't put the puzzle back together again? Leave it to the Universe and focus your energy on something else.

Leave it to the universe, let it unfold. Let universe take its course. Cause you know what? Sometime it has answers and plans for us that different from what we have in mind, and fighting against them can be fruitless and draining!

Yes, that's when you see how beautiful life is when it unfold! It will give you a chance to do it all over again. Then you will need courage to get to the top and character to stay there- by Dr J. Tibane.

So don't be too hard on yourself. You can do it! Don't get bitter cause you will be bitten by life! Life doesn't owe you anything, but you owe it everything so live it, it is meant for you, the living!

Life may be difficult sometimes , it gets all dirty and bumpy, with the family and kids. Things not going our way.... But that's what makes it interesting and worth while. That what makes us look forward to the next day... You got to love it!

Life is beautiful, that's all I can say!

Peace out!

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